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Rivers and Thoughts : for 2 bassoons and piano

by Naomi Brown (2022)

No products are available for this work

The Australian Music Centre's catalogue does not include any recordings or sheet music of this work. This entry is for information purposes only.

Materials for this work may be lodged in our collection in the future. Until then, any enquiries should be made directly to the composer/sound artist or their agent.

Work Overview

This piece was written as a tone poem based on Miriam Wei Wei Lo's poem "A Few Thoughts on Multiple Identity". Miriam describes the struggle with having multiple cultural identities as two rivers. As you can see in the poem that follows, there are two poems describing two rivers and cultures which appear side by side. The imagery invoked in the first column is that of a Malaysian river market (the poet traces her Chinese heritage via Sarawak in Malaysia to Canton in China) and in the second of life near an Australian river inlet.

Work Details

Year: 2022

Instrumentation: 2 Bassoons, piano.

Duration: 6 min.

Difficulty: Advanced

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