19 May 2020

Classical:NEXT Innovation Awards - playlists by shortlisted Australian composers

Composing Women (Brenda Gifford, Josephine Macken, Georgia Scott, Peggy Polias and Bree van Reyk) with Prof. Liza Lim in New York. <a href="https://micnet-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/images/resonate/National-Sawdust-Composing-Women.jpg">Larger view</a>. Image: Composing Women (Brenda Gifford, Josephine Macken, Georgia Scott, Peggy Polias and Bree van Reyk) with Prof. Liza Lim in New York. Larger view.  

[Update: See this news article for winner announcement and video of Liza Lim's acceptance speech.]

This week, the AMC, SOUNDS AUSTRALIA, and a fine delegation of Australians were meant to be in Rotterdam for the Classical:NEXT 2020 industry event. The COVID-19 pandemic postponed the event by a full year, and instead Classical:NEXT is now running a series of online panels, talks, events and meet-ups this week.

A much-awaited highlight, the annual Innovation Awards will be streamed online, and Australians have a particular reason to tune in, with Liza Lim and the Sydney Conservatorium's Composing Women program among the shortlisted. The online event will take place on Wednesday at 11pm AEST (3pm local time).

SOUNDS AUSTRALIA has asked Liza Lim and the Composing Women participants to curate a playlist to celebrate their place on the shortlist - Lim was asked to include four tracks of her own works, and the program participants Bree van Reyk, Peggy Polias, Georgia Scott and Josephine Macken each selected four tracks of music that is important to them, also including their own work.

> Go to the SOUNDS AUSTRALIA website to read more about their choices, or go straight to Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify or YouTube to hear their selections.


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