Joel Crotty

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Joel Crotty held in our catalogue.

Articles by and about Joel Crotty

31 Jul 2007 A Double Outing by Joel Crotty

Melbourne-based composer Julian Yu has had a moment in the sun recently with two works being performed on back-to-back Sundays...

21 Aug 2007 Eighth Classically Melbourne Free Concert by Joel Crotty

The 3MBS orchestral competition is now firmly established on the awards calendar. And with a performance for the winner, the competition is one that budding young composers take seriously...

29 Aug 2007 The Beginning and the End of Snow by Joel Crotty

Box office returns will not usually allow the extravagance of having multiple repeats of the same new music concert. But composer David Chisholm took on a risky venture by allocating three concerts for his new song cycle the beginning and the end of the snow...

18 Sep 2007 Australia Before the War by Joel Crotty

When one mentions Australian art music before World War II the response is less than supportive. Derivative, second-rate, too English are all terms that are bandied about...

30 Oct 2007 A Tease of Sophistication by Joel Crotty

Melbourne-born Peggy Glanville-Hicks’s fame in Australia rests mainly in being associated with significant American composers rather than with the music she wrote. She mingled in circles that, at their epicentres, had the likes of John Cage, Aaron Copland, Virgil Thomson and Roy Harris. Glanville-Hicks gives mid-twentieth century Australian culture a tease of ‘sophistication’ that bypasses the imperial road map that her generation slavishly followed...

30 Oct 2007 An Age of Disposable Culture by Joel Crotty

Polish-born, English sociologist Zygmunt Bauman has spent a considerable part of his academic career promoting the idea of ‘liquidity’ in an age of disposable culture. He suggests that as consumers we ask for instant gratification and as a consequence we accept accelerated social change...

17 Apr 2008 Luminal by Joel Crotty

The Melbourne-based Silo String Quartet (Aaron Barden, Andrea Keeble (violins), Ceridwen Davies (viola) and Caerwen Martin (cello)) have created a successful niche for themselves by only performing new music, especially Australian composition. This time their concert featured premieres by Queenslander Daniel Salecich and Melbourne-based composer David Chisholm...

8 Sep 2008 Melbourne Chamber Orchestra, aka Australia Pro Arte by Joel Crotty

Australia Pro Arte’s August programme, under the direction of Benjamin Northey, was their usual mixture of something old, something new and something a bit out of the ordinary.