Casey Golden Trio & Declan Kelly


Casey Golden Trio & Declan Kelly

  • Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2009, 8:30pm
  • Venue: Excelsior Hotel — 64 Foveaux St, Surry Hills, NSW
  • Series: This event is part of the Jazzgroove ยด09 series
  • Tickets: $12 full, $10 concession, $8 members

Event Details

Casey is the latest in a line of fine Australian jazz musicians. This being the trio’s Jazzgroove debut, they’re sure to deliver their full measure of optimism, irresponsibility and youthful vigor while they swing the night away.

The ocean has always been a great metaphor for life and the trials we encounter. Kelly has woven this thread throughout his album Adrift, with his love of reggae roots and other relative feels as the great ship to carry the songs. Tonight’s music will hint at the sense of being out on the big blue and the perils we may face along the way.

Further information for this event is available online at the event's website

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