
Elegy in a country graveyard (radiophonic music)

by Andrew Ford (2007)

Audio Sample

Performance by Sydney Chamber Choir, Marshall McGuire, Daryl Pratt, Nick Hewett, Hoshimi Sakai, Megan Wright, Duncan Spry, Matthew Harrison from the CD Learning to howl

Learning to howl


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Learning to howl / music by Andrew Ford.

Library shelf no. CD 2446 [Not for loan]

Elegy in a country graveyard


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Elegy in a country graveyard / by Andrew Ford.

Library shelf no. CD 1889 [Available for loan]

Work Overview

The graveyard in Robertson, NSW is perched high on a hill, and from it one can see for many miles in all directions. The walk to the graveyard - about 30 minutes from the centre of town, down (and then up) an unmade road - is invigorating when it isn't too hot and exhausting when it is. I have often wondered how funerals were managed in the 19th century, before motorised transport. Doubtless the deceased rode on a horse-drawn hearse, but the mourners must have had to walk. I picture them dressed in black serge, sweltering in the January heat.

Musings such as this were the starting point for Elegy in a Country Graveyard, which over three years developed quite slowly - like the music itself - until it found its final form in late 2006 and early 2007. I began by interviewing some of Robertson's more senior residents, asking them for their memories of the graveyard and of some of the people buried there. Some of these remarks can be heard in the finished piece, the voices appearing in the following order: Hugh Waring, Bill Pointing, Hope Waters and Del Waring (Hugh's wife). I no longer regard these as interviews. They are part of the music. Some of the comments may still be clearly heard, but others have faded into the overall texture.

The harmonic structure of the piece consists of sequence of 55 chords presented, very slowly, by harp, piano, vibraphone and harmonium and then extended by the voices and other instruments. Fragments of the Latin Mass for the Dead are heard and a girl's voice (Imogen Rolon) reads the Funeral Sentences from the Book of Common Prayer. Another voice whispers Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' (from which I borrowed my title). We hear Joseph Parry's hymn tune 'Aberystwyth', usually sung to the words 'Jesu, Lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly'. The piece concludes with my own setting, for the choir, of the funeral dirge from Shakespeare's Cymbeline:

Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

The composition of Elegy in a Country Graveyard was made possible by a grant from the NSW Ministry of the Arts. The pre-recorded material was edited and mixed in collaboration with the Music Unit, ABC Radio National. Marshall McGuire played harp and piano; Daryl Pratt played harmonium, vibraphone and tubular bell. Russell Stapleton was the sound engineer and Andrew McLennan the producer.

Work Details

Year: 2007

Duration: 25 min.

Commission note: Commissioned by ABC Radio Arts. Funded by NSW Ministry for the Arts and ABC.


Resonate article: Living in the country helps focus on the sounds in my head by Andrew Ford

Resonate article: Featured video - Andrew Ford's Elegy in a Country Graveyard by Australian Music Centre


Elegy in a Country Graveyard Pt 1 (interview with Andrew Ford, extracts from 'Elegy')
Elegy in a Country Graveyard Pt 2 (interview with Andrew Ford, extracts from 'Elegy')

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