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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Missa Solis - Requiem for Eli : for symphony orchestra, SATB chorus & male treble solo by Nigel Westlake, from the CD Missa solis, Requiem for Eli

Works commissioned by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus

Deserts of exile by Paul Stanhope

Waiting for the Barbarians by Andrew Ford

Exile lamentations by Paul Stanhope

World premieres given by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus

Eumeralla, a war requiem for peace (multiple choirs with full orchestra) by Deborah Cheetham Fraillon— 15 Jun 19 (Hamer Hall, The Arts Centre, Melbourne VIC)

...so far far away... by Calvin Bowman— 12 Nov 10 (St Patrick's Cathedral, East Melbourne, VIC)

Tyranny of distance (full orchestra with choir) by Brenton Broadstock— 17 Oct 09 (Hamer Hall, VIC)