Garth Paine : Associate Artist

Music is about sound. Sound you can feel, see and engage with – I think of composing as sculpting – of sound as a viscous, fluid medium - is the sound heavy, dense, thin, light, sparkly, sharp, intense, dynamic - these textures create the musical experience

Random Audio Sample: Sonic alchemies (duos: flute and percussion with electronic processing) by Garth Paine, from the CD Music of the spirit.

Photo of Garth Paine


Garth Paine (PhD) is a professor of Digital Sound and Interactive Media at the School of Arts Media and Engineering and Digital Culture program at Arizona State University where he is also a Senior Sustainability Scholar with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability.

He is internationally regarded as an innovator in the field of interactivity in experimental music and media arts, and gave the Keynote at the 2016 NIME conference. In 2018, Garth will be researcher and artist in residence at IRCAM (Paris) and ZKM (Karlsruhe).

Garth Paine's passion for sound as an exhibitable object has given rise to interactive environments where the sonic landscape is generated through gesture, presence and behavior and several music scores for dance works using realtime video tracking and bio-sensing and musical compositions that have been performed in Australia, Europe, Japan, USA, South America, Hong Kong and New Zealand and in 2014, Korea, Macedonia, France, UK.

Garth's performance work acts as a platform for research into new interfaces for electronic music performance. He has performed at, ISEA2013, InSpace, Edinburgh, UC Davis, Luxembourg Choreographic Centre, Dance Massive, Melbourne in 2013, Ear to the Earth Festival, - John Cage Centennial Festival - NYC, (2012), SiteWorks, Bundanon (2010),Agora/Résonances Festival, Paris (2006), New York Electronic Arts Festival (2007), Liquid Architecture (2007), Aurora festival (2006, 2008), and the Australian New Music Network concert series (2008).

Garth's current research centers on the Listen(n) Project. It focuses on Acoustic Ecology through Field Recording and community building. He has a long history of composing musical works from his field recordings and engaging in environmental work through sound. Recent examples include the Site Works project at Bundanon, Australia for which he composed the work Presence in the Landscape and his work Becoming Desert for the Listen(n) Symposium concert in 2014. He was a founding member of Ear to the Earth and in 2015 Co-Chaired the Balance-Unbalance conference at ASU.

He has been the Australia Council for the Arts - New Media Arts Fellow, Composer in Residence - Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung, Berlin, Founder, Curator and Director - Sonic Residues Festival - at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art and been awarded a Green Room Award for Outstanding Creativity, for Escape Velocity (Company in Space) and was a finalist for the Best new Musical Score for Dance, 2014 Green Room Awards.

His company Activated Space designed and implemented innovative interactive experiential exhibitions for the Melbourne Museum, the Jewish Museum of Australia, the Eureka Stockade Centre amongst others.

He is a member of the editorial board for the Organised Sound Journal, Cambridge University Press, an advisor to the UNESCO funded Symposium on the Future and a founding member and advisory panel member of the Electronic Music Foundation, New York and Ear to the Earth. Dr Paine has been a Chief Investigator on several Australian Research Council grants and Australia Council for the Arts projects.

Garth Paine — current to 2017

Selected Commissions

  Work Commission Details
Present in the landscape : electronics (2010) Commissioned by Bundanon Trust.