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Royal Melbourne Philharmonic

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Royal Melbourne Philharmonic held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Discovery : Choral symphony No. 1 : celebrating the Great South West Walk by Dindy Vaughan, from the CD Discovery

Works commissioned by Royal Melbourne Philharmonic

Fronting eternity by Gordon Kerry

Mourning and the light within by John Peterson

World premieres given by Royal Melbourne Philharmonic

Mourning and the light within : for SATB chorus and Orchestra by John Peterson— 7 Oct 06 (Melbourne Town Hall)

Fronting eternity : SATB choir with orchestra by Gordon Kerry— 23 Apr 05 (Melbourne Town Hall)

From the beginning : SATB choir with orchestra by Stuart Greenbaum and Ross Baglin— 16 Aug 03 (Melbourne Town Hall)