Journal issue #1

A Tangled Web? New Music Online

Edited by Rhiannon Cook and Danielle Carey — 31.07.07

Now is a pivotal time in Australian music history. Technological advances are affecting the ways in which we engage with music at all stages of its lifecycle. Documentary processes play a crucial part in this lifecycle – aiding promotion, providing context, supporting education, and fostering discussion. As we move further into the online environment, the increasing significance of the Internet is causing these processes to evolve rapidly.

So what exactly does this mean for the communities of people who consume, support, and make new music?

The impact of these changes is potentially enormous. The ability to connect globally with like-minded people means that individuals and smaller communities of practice have the possibility of finding their niche...

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In this Issue

Editorial: A Tangled Web? New Music Online
by Danielle Carey and Rhiannon Cook
Taking Advantage of Web 2.0
by Robert Davidson
Digital Inequality
by David Hirst
From Waves to Bytes: Radio Online
by Stephen Adams
Consuming Culture in Context
by Simon Chambers
Telling It As It Is
Richard Gill on Presenting New Music, by Rhiannon Cook and Danielle Carey
Notes with Potential to Make Music
by David Garrett
Joe Blog: Who Cares?
by Rhiannon Cook and Danielle Carey
Opening Doors to New Music
by Frank J. Oteri
Documenting the Australian Jazz World (not)
by Miriam Zolin
ACID Press: a New Approach to Knowledge Collaboration
by Jon Drummond and Richard Vella
World-Wide Webley-Smith
by Martin Wesley-Smith
Jon Rose Web
by Jon Rose
It’s Addictive
by Cat Hope
The Blogger
by Peter Smith
Networking Online
by Stephen Cronin
A Strategy of Exposure
by Peter McNamara
The Australian Sound Design Project
by Ros Bandt