Phyllis Chen

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Phyllis Chen held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Exposiciones : for toy piano and tape by Andrián Pertout, from the CD Uncaged toy piano

Works commissioned by Phyllis Chen

Pi (Obstruction) by Andrián Pertout

CDs, Books and Kits featuring Phyllis Chen

CD: Uncaged toy piano / Phyllis Chen

Events featuring Phyllis Chen

5 Jun 2008 International: Phyllis Chen

6 Feb 2008 International: The Uncaged Toy Piano Roadshow

World premieres given by Phyllis Chen

Estrellita : for two 37-key toy pianos and an unlimited number of 25-key toy pianos by Andrián Pertout— 2 Dec 12 (Toy Piano World Summit: Rainy Days 2012, Festival de musique nouvelle, Philharmonie Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

Pi (Obstruction) : for toy piano by Andrián Pertout— 20 Sep 09 (Performance at the 11th Annual World Music Festival: Chicago, Preston-Bradley Hall, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, USA)

Exposiciones : for toy piano and tape by Andrián Pertout— 14 Apr 06 (Ford Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)