Graeme Gilling

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Graeme Gilling held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Trio : for piano, violin and cello by Christopher Tonkin, from the CD Luminosity

Events featuring Graeme Gilling

3 Oct 2021 WA: Darlington Quartet and Graeme Gilling

13 Feb 2011 WA: Life Stories: Grandage & Andriessen

World premieres given by Graeme Gilling

Trio : for piano, violin and cello by Christopher Tonkin

Blackwood by Iain Grandage— 13 Feb 11 (Government House Ballroom, Perth, WA)

Go lovely rose : mezzo-soprano voice with piano by David Tunley— 4 Sep 05 (Octogon Theatre, The University of Western Australia)