Robert Hower

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Robert Hower held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Folksongs for Band : Suite No. 1 : symphonic wind orchestra by David Stanhope, from the CD Little ripper

Works commissioned and written for Robert Hower

E.G.B.D.S. by David Stanhope

Events featuring Robert Hower

22 Aug 2015 SA: Bagatelles

11 Dec 2012 SA: earin festival - Whaam!

20 Aug 2011 SA: Wind Symphony

World premieres given by Robert Hower

Bagatelles : symphonic wind orchestra by David Stanhope— 22 Aug 15 (Elder Hall, SA)

E.G.B.D.S. : for symphonic wind orchestra by David Stanhope— 14 Sep 96 (Elder Hall, University of Adelaide)