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Antonietta Loffredo

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Antonietta Loffredo held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Three variations on Waltzing Matilda (solo piano) by Julian Yu, from the CD Shadows and silhouettes

Works commissioned by Antonietta Loffredo

White rabbit climbs Mount Kosciusko by Diana Blom

World premieres given by Antonietta Loffredo

Cat's play (solo toy piano) by Diana Blom— Jul 19 ('Music as Play - The Toy Piano Takes the Stage', Como, Italy)

Riff madness III : for two toy grand pianos by Michael Hannan— 8 Dec 16 (Theme and Variations (Willoughby), NSW)

Holding Masks (duos: 2 pianos) by Paul Smith— 8 Dec 16 (Theme And Variations, Willoughby, Sydney)

Kawaii Suite (solo piano) by Paul Smith— 4 May 11 (Western Sydney University, Art of Sound Concert)