Christina Rossetti

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Christina Rossetti held in our catalogue.

Works by Christina Rossetti

Christina Rossetti is not an Australian Music Centre represented artist, however the following works can be found in our collection:

Rossetti songs by Anne Cawrse

Birthday of my life by Andrew Ford

Learning to howl by Andrew Ford

Twilight night by Paul Paviour

Seven Zen songs by Larry Sitsky

My delight and thy delight by Paul Paviour

Heartland by Matthew Hindson

Dream land by Miriam Hyde

Lullaby by Miriam Hyde

Echo by Horace Keats

Silence of the night by Michael Bertram

Remember by Phillip Wilcher

Remember by Paul Sarcich

When I am dead, my dearest by Colin Brumby

Sleep, little baby, sleep by Natalie Williams and Christina Rossetti

He calls me still by Nicholas Vines

A birthday by Vaughan McAlley

Skylark by Sally Greenaway

Remember by Robert Davidson

Six songs of faith by Paul Paviour

Advent Cantata by Dan Walker

Nine lives by Roger Smalley

Eros in repose by Paul Paviour

Rhyme after rain by Miriam Hyde

Come to me in the silence of the night by Colin Brumby

Ferry me across the water by Calvin Bowman

The Heart can be wrong by Paul Paviour

Six Songs from Christina Rossetti's 'Sing-Song' by Ben Hoadley

Five Early Songs by Don Kay

Halcyon by Christine McCombe