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Flinders Quartet - Phantasy


Flinders Quartet - Phantasy

  • Date: Saturday, 15 May 2021, 2.30pm
  • Venue: St John's Anglican Church (Flinders) — 23 King Street, Flinders, VIC
  • Tickets: Adults: $35 | Children: $25 | Concession: $25 — Tickets can be purchased online or by phone on 0417 798 523

Event Details

All these pieces encapsulate the strength and flexibility of quartet playing. The different pieces that stretch across decades, touch almost every emotion possible. Flinders Quartet is particularly drawn to the beautiful Romanze in the Mendelssohn, a movement with which you could draw comparisons to Beethoven with its dark passionate anguish before moving onto the more virtuosic Allegro Molto Vivace final movement. Pairing the lesser known works with Mendelssohn and Holst shows off the quality of our Australian composers.

PROGRAM • 80 mins including interval

FANNY MENDELSSOHN String Quartet In E Flat Major
IMOGEN HOLST Phantasy Quartet
ELLA MACENS “A Love Worth Fighting For” *
ELENA KATS-CHERNIN Selections from “From Anna Magdalena’s Notebook”

*Commissioned by Flinders Quartet with support from Peter & Leila Doyle

Featured non-Australian music: Fanny Mendelssohn, Imogen Holst

Further information for this event is available online at the event's website or by phone on 0417 798 523 or by email to admin@flindersquartet.com

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