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Passer-by : for chamber orchestra and tape

by Connor D'Netto and Matthew Lomax (2019)

Work Overview

Passer-by is a work for chamber orchestra and tape co-composed by Connor D'Netto and Matthew Lomax, delving into our varying interactions with urban spaces and strangers. It addresses our relationships with the everyday spaces of urban life, how they can adapt, tracing over the same ground and yet influenced by new experiences that pass in between.
The work was originally conceived as part of "non-place", a four-movement electroacoustic score by Connor D'Netto and Matthew Lomax for a ballet in collaboration with the London Central School of Ballet, Bim Malcomson and Leanne King. Inspired by the writings of anthropologist Marc Augé, non-place explores and examines experiences of familiar spaces, identity, disconnection and anonymity in modern society. Rich, intense, familiar yet surreal, non-place holds an otherworldly looking glass to the commonplace spaces of everyday life.

Work Details

Year: 2019

Instrumentation: Flute, oboe, bass clarinet in B flat, bassoon, (off stage brass trio: horn in F, trumpet in B flat, trombone), percussion (2-3 players: suspended metal sheet, hi hat, kick drum, crotales, vibraphone), piano, strings, electronics.

Duration: 18 min.

Written for: Cat's Cradle Collective

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