Clark Rundell

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Clark Rundell held in our catalogue.

Random Audio Sample: Concerto in blue : for guitar and orchestra by Gerard Brophy, from the CD Concerto in blue

Events featuring Clark Rundell

4 May 2019 VIC: MSO: Metropolis: Night Two

19 Apr 2018 VIC: MSO: Metropolis 1

23 Apr 2009 International: In Praise of Darkness

World premieres given by Clark Rundell

Forever Singing Winter into Spring (tenor with orchestra) by Lior and Ade Vincent— 4 May 19 (Melbourne Recital Centre, Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, VIC)

Cri de Coeur : orchestra by Mark Holdsworth— 4 May 19 (Melbourne Recital Centre, Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, VIC)

Hood Yourself in Stars : for orchestra by Ade Vincent— 19 Apr 18 (Robert Blackwood Concert Hall, VIC)

In praise of darkness : for orchestra with concertante for celesta and harp by Mary Finsterer— 23 Apr 09 (Muziekgebouw (Amsterdam), Netherlands)

Concerto in blue : for guitar and orchestra by Gerard Brophy— 17 Jan 03 (Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK)

Concerto for violin and orchestra (violin with full orchestra) by Daniel Masmanian— 2003