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Anni Heino

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Anni Heino held in our catalogue.

Artist website: http://www.anniheino.com

Articles by and about Anni Heino

31 Jul 2008 Peter Tahourdin at 80 by Anni Heino

In 2008, at the age of 80, Peter Tahourdin is still producing new music from his home in Melbourne. Here, he talks about his work and life to the resonate editor Anni Heino. Most recently, Tahourdin’s work list has grown with music for solo piano, as well as several works involving the clarinet, including the so far unperformed Concerto for Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (2007).

14 Jul 2008 Ann Carr-Boyd at 70 by Anni Heino

Ann Carr-Boyd has music well and truly ingrained in her family. Her Bohemian grandfather, Albert Wentzel, was a musician in an orchestra that came to play in Australia for the centenary celebrations in 1888. Her father and uncle, Norbert and Charles, both played viola in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. In her teens, Ann Carr-Boyd herself was contemplating a career in visual arts, but music took over.

15 Sep 2008 David Worrall: Any artist who is not emerging is dead by Anni Heino

David Worrall describes his musical education as 'mainstream'. His career has been anything but. Early on, he got interested in computer and electronic music, sound sculptures, and spatiality in music – at the University of Sydney, Worrall found his studies in mathematics and philosophy far more useful than those in music. . .

15 Sep 2008 James Hullick: Independence does not exist by Anni Heino

Composer-pianist-vocalist-sound artist James Hullick - who, according to his website, is 'even better than colour television' - kindly agreed to elaborate on some of the recurring themes of the resonate journal issue three. We also asked him about his own work and let him use the resonate soap-box for pointing out that it is not necessary for all of us to be artists forever.

25 Sep 2008 David Worrall: Any artist not emerging is dead by Anni Heino

David Worrall describes his musical education as 'mainstream'. His career has been anything but. Early on, he got interested in computer and electronic music, sound sculptures, and spatiality in music – at the University of Sydney, Worrall found his studies in mathematics and philosophy far more useful than those in music. . .

24 Oct 2008 The Navigator at Melbourne International Festival by Anni Heino

I approached Liza Lim’s opera The Navigator with a certain amount of trepidation. This had to do with my slightly complex relationship with her earlier opera Yuè ling jié (Moon Spirit Feasting, 1999). It wasn’t the certain uncompromising nature of Lim’s compositional style, as I tend to feel that Lim’s work is yet another, convincing proof of the fact that an original voice makes all debates about audience accessibility seem irrelevant. . .

24 Oct 2008 Halcyon and B3 by Anni Heino

I'd hazard a guess it was sheer coincidence that the three composer names in Halcyon's B3 program all started with the letter B. But we did have other, common denominators to make for a well planned evening of new music for an ensemble with solo voices. There were three composers, three pieces, and a generally similar kind of attitude towards composing music based on a text. Gavin Bryars, George Benjamin and Nigel Butterley seem to belong to the school of composing that treats with respect both the original poem and the human voice.

27 Nov 2008 Rosemary Joy and the sound world in miniature by Anni Heino

Ensemble Offspring will premiere two new Australian works in their forthcoming concert on 10 December: Michael Smetanin's new piece and Rosemary Joy's Beauty Boxes - a structured improvisation for two percussionists. In this interview, Joy talks about her exquisite, wooden miniature instruments, about the people who play them and the people who get involved by observing and listening.

13 Nov 2012 Composer & performer news November 2012 by Anni Heino

Our bulletin from the composing/performing world, with performance news and a multitude of new releases, among other things. Featuring Benjamin Thorn, Clare Maclean, Matthew Shlomowitz, Tom Vincent, Jenny Game-Lopata, Annie Hsieh, Aaron Kenny, Wendy Hiscocks, Andrián Pertout, Roger Dean, Julian Yu, Phillip Wilcher, Daniel Rojas, Andrée Greenwell, Mark Isaacs, Peter Knight, Andrew Ford, Mike Nock, Julian Day, Paul Paviour, and many others.

25 May 2009 Claire Edwardes - Coming a full circle by Anni Heino

A dozen or so years ago, Claire Edwardes was a talented young woman studying percussion at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and performing as part of the newly-founded 'Spring Ensemble'. In 2009, with a wealth of experience under her belt, she is working with young composers from the Sydney Conservatorium as part of the Kammerklang initiative – and remembering her own immersion into contemporary music as an opinionated, second-year student...

24 Nov 2009 Richard Meale 1932-2009 by Anni Heino

Composer Richard Meale (1932-2009) passed away in the early hours of 23 November 2009, at the age of 77. Meale was one of the most important composers of his generation, and his opera Voss is regarded by many as the most important Australian opera to date...

18 Dec 2009 Editorial by Anni Heino

This issue of Resonate Journal is all about the latest in Australian choral music. What are the current developments in commissioning, workshops and community choral music? Which are the new works? How did they come to exist? Who commissioned, rehearsed and performed them...

18 Dec 2009 On the road with Tony Backhouse by Anni Heino

Composer and conductor Tony Backhouse has spent much of the latter half of 2009 on the road, running workshops and leading a group of singers and choir directors from Australia and New Zealand on a gospel tour of churches, choir rehearsals and quartet programs in Memphis, Chicago and New York. In this interview, he explains his approach to workshops and tells us about some of the places they have taken him to

30 Oct 2011 MODART 2011: seven composers with remarkable stories to tell by Anni Heino

MODART11 program, with its workshops, rehearsal period and final concerts, has been brought to a successful conclusion, with seven new works premiered in two concerts at Cockatoo Island in the beginning of October, followed by a studio recording at the ABC. The high standards, established during the previous instalments of MODART, were maintained, and some 'very outstanding work' was produced, according to the artistic director of The Song Company, Roland Peelman.

4 Dec 2012 Space Time winners: Orbis Tertius, Cat Hope, Greg Schiemer by Anni Heino

The AMC's represented artists Greg Schiemer, Cat Hope and Nicholas Ng are among the winners of the inaugural Space Time Concerto Competition, organised at the Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, University of Newcastle, over the weekend. With two main categories, 'Innovative' and 'Historical, the competition aimed at embracing artists from different genres, from classical instrumentalists to composers, sound and media artists. The competition was open to undergraduate, postgraduate or international students, and alumni of Australian tertiary institutions.

6 Apr 2012 2012 Art Music Awards - relive the moment (images and audio) by Anni Heino

Those who have attended Art Music Awards (formerly Classical Music Awards) ceremonies regularly, know a little bit about what makes these occasions special. Perhaps the absence of big monetary awards helps, for the air in the auditorium is always pervaded with generous collegiality, a tangible sense of something important shared, something important to celebrate, and to speak up for.

20 Mar 2009 chronology arts - electric id by Anni Heino

Chronology arts organisation is rapidly gaining a reputation in Sydney's new music scene for attracting sizeable audiences to hear music by relatively young composers. The season's first concert at Sydney Conservatorium's Music Workshop had the theme 'electric id – chamber music electrified'. Most works were composed especially for the occasion, and included electronics, together with an instrumental ensemble...

28 Aug 2012 Jeanell Carrigan's celebration of diversity (plus an invitation to a CD launch) by Anni Heino

With more than a dozen CDs to her name, Jeanell Carrigan's dedication to recording works of our contemporary composers is impressive. In 2012, the AMC will have the pleasure of releasing two new CDs - Narratives and Detours, out earlier in 2012, and A Little Variation, scheduled for release towards the end of the year. Below, Carrigan talks about these two titles and her ongoing project of recording as much Australian music as possible.

You can join us for a special CD launch event on 5 October at 5pm at The Kings School Parramatta (entry via Russell St) - this is a unique opportunity to hear a selection of movements from Narratives and Detours, performed by Carrigan.

10 Nov 2012 Betty Beath at 80: I like to complete a work by Anni Heino

'Experience has taught me that my work evolves from note to note, bar to bar, phrase to phrase, the piece moves at its own pace and, hopefully, seems to know where it is going', explains Betty Beath, the Queensland-based composer of evocative song cycles, chamber and orchestral works, and the outstanding Adagio for strings, lament for Kosovo. In this interview Beath - who celebrates her 80th birthday later this month - talks about her composing and looks back at her formative musical experiences from her early years in Bundaberg to her time spent in South-East Asia.

20 Nov 2012 Lawrence Whiffin (1930-2012) by Anni Heino

Composer and pianist Lawrence Whiffin passed away in Melbourne on 18 November 2012 at the age of 82.

14 Mar 2013 National Cultural Policy digested by Anni Heino

The long-awaited National Cultural Policy, a 121-page document (and that is without appendices) entitled Creative Australia, was launched yesterday in Canberra by the Minister for the Arts, Simon Crean.

16 Apr 2013 Composer & performer news April 2013 by Anni Heino

Our bulletin from the composing/performing world, with performance news, awards, new releases, ensemble news. Featuring: Luke Styles, Lachlan Skipworth, Maria Grenfell, Peter Knight, Andrián Pertout, Kristian Ireland, Natalie Williams, Eve Duncan, Alister Spence, Fiona Joy Hawkins, Stephen Lalor, and many others.

Old news? Follow the AMC on Facebook and Twitter and get updates as soon as things happen.

26 May 2013 O for a Muse of Fire: 30 Australian takes on Shakespeare by Anni Heino

A mood, a situation or an emotion, captured in a few lines of poetry some 400 hundred years ago: William Shakespeare’s songs, spoken and sung by characters in his plays, together with his 154 sonnets, have provided composers with material ever since. Thirty Shakespeare settings by Australian composers have now been released on CD, thanks to a long-term project by the baritone Michael Halliwell in collaboration with pianist David Miller. O for a Muse of Fire features music by 16 composers, including world premiere recordings of works by Moya Henderson, Chester Schultz, Andrew Ford, Richard Peter Maddox and Peter Sculthorpe. Anni Heino talked to Michael Halliwell about his search for Shakespeare settings by contemporary composers.

25 Jul 2013 Colin Brumby at 80: composing to meet a real need by Anni Heino

Composer Colin Brumby celebrated his 80th birthday recently by exploring Canada and Alaska. Back from his travels, he sat down to answer some questions about his works as well as his composing career - from a self-taught student to a 12-tone composer in the 1960s, from a stylistic crisis to an impressive series of solo concertos in the 1970s and 1980s, and most recently a sought-after composer of sacred choral works in the 1990s and 2000s.

29 Aug 2013 Art Music Awards 2013 ceremony - not a lone wolf in sight by Anni Heino

Ivory towers are so last year. Judging by the list of winners at the 2013 Art Music Awards, winning works and projects are all about connecting with other artists, performing groups, institutions, community organisations - and funding bodies. Lone wolves, bless them, must find it hard.

23 Aug 2013 Ros Bandt's work included in 'Sounds of Australia' by Anni Heino

Ros Bandt's first record Improvisation in acoustic chambers (1981) has been added to the Sounds of Australia collection by the National Film and Sound Archive. The LP was recorded on a Nagra tape recorded in a concrete water tank and a wheat silo, and, according to Bandt, inspired her to go on creating architectural and spatial music.

21 Nov 2013 Composer & performer news, November 2013 by Anni Heino

Our bulletin from the composing/performing world, with new releases, performance news, awards. Featuring: Gillian Whitehead, Liza Lim, Steve Newcomb, Luke Styles, Daniel Blinkhorn, Brett Dean, Kristian Ireland, Jessica Wells, Andrián Pertout, David Hush and Michael Leighton Jones, among others.

4 Dec 2013 Limelight magazine faces closure by Anni Heino

Last weekend, news spread about the likely closure of the Limelight magazine from 13 December. A monthly arts and music magazine, published since 2006 by the UK-based Haymarket Media, Limelight has a circulation of roughly 9,000 copies (2012), a drop of about 11% from previous year, which is in line with the downward trend of Australian mainstream papers and magazines during the same period.

21 Nov 2013 Australian music in concert halls in 2014 by Anni Heino

2014 season programs have been announced by most big organisations, while more flexible smaller groups haven't yet released all details for the coming year. The full picture is yet to emerge - at least it can be said that there is a fairly even, if somewhat thin, spread of premieres over the country. Symphony orchestras continue to experiment with various approaches as to where contemporary Australian works could live in their season programs: often they can be found in mini-festivals or series dedicated to contemporary music, chamber concerts, or school concerts and programs. Some festivals have announced their composers in residence for 2014, as has ANAM.

27 Feb 2014 Haydn Reeder: 'More time for music to speak' by Anni Heino

Composer Haydn Reeder talks about his recent compositions for string quartet, as well as his work process and some of his earlier pieces. Melbourne-based Reeder turns 70 on 27 February 2014.

21 May 2014 Bozidar Kos - the symphonist who got away by Anni Heino

In 2008, Australia lost one if its major composers and composition teachers, when Bosidar Kos left his adopted home of 43 years and returned to his country of birth, Slovenia. Kos is now living in a small town called Brezice, and, at the age of 80, is still going strong as a composer.

25 Jun 2014 Composer & performer news, June 2014 by Anni Heino

Our bulletin from the composing/performing world, with new releases, performance news, awards. Featuring: Kate Moore, Kevin March, Elena Kats-Chernin, Liza Lim, Ross Edwards, Ros Bandt, Andrián Pertout, Gerard Brophy, David Harris, David Kotlowy, Elliott Gyger, Alice Chance, Kristian Ireland, Brett, Dean, Andrew Schultz, Chris Williams, Larry Sitsky, Andrea Keller, Alister Spence, and Cat Hope, among others.

See our Scoop page with more reviews of current concerts and CDs with Australian music...

25 Aug 2014 Barry Conyngham on teaching, learning and the stuff of music by Anni Heino

Composer Barry Conyngham talks about his teachers and mentors, his orchestral works and his two-fold career in composing and academia, in this interview conducted just a few days before his 70th birthday on 27 August 2014. Conyngham's latest orchestral work, ANZAC, will be premiered in a concert at Melbourne's Iwaki Auditorium on 31 August (for details, see the AMC Calendar).

10 Apr 2017 Composer and performer news, April 2017 by Anni Heino

Premieres, performances, awards, and other news about the AMC's Represented and Associate artists. For a constant supply of fresh news, we recommend 'liking' our Facebook page and following our @AusMusicCentre Twitter feed.

29 Oct 2014 Ricketson at work: the fragile and the secret by Anni Heino

Damien Ricketson talks about his composition in the light of two big works, Fractured Again and The Secret Noise - a new project to be premiered at the Sydney Town Hall on 20 November.

26 Nov 2014 Composer & performer news, November 2014 by Anni Heino

Our bulletin from the composing/performing world, with premieres and performances, new releases, and artist and ensemble news. Featuring: Luke Styles, Chris Williams, Brett Dean, Liza Lim, Betty Beath, Peter Knight, Garth Paine, Christopher de Groot, Kate Moore, Andrew Schultz, Rae Howell, Bruce Crossman and many, many others.

27 Nov 2014 Australian music to suffer as a result of ABC cuts by Anni Heino

How will cuts to the ABC's funding and approximately 400 job losses at the national broadcaster affect Australian music content on ABC networks? This is what we have learned so far...

2 Apr 2015 Bozidar Kos (1934-2015) by Anni Heino

Composer and widely respected teacher of composition Bozidar Kos has died on 29 March at the age of 80. Kos lived, studied and worked in Australia for 43 years before returning to his country of birth, Slovenia, in 2008.

29 May 2015 Arts budget 2015: news summary by Anni Heino

UPDATED 4 JUNE - call for Senate enquiry by ArtsPeak, plus new links. Our summary update of currently known facts concerning the announcements related to the 2015-2016 budget and their implications to arts funding. We'll be following the situation and posting updates and commentary, as they come available, on the AMC's Twitter feed @ausmusiccentre and Facebook page.

14 May 2015 Kim Waldock and SSO's TunED-Up! by Anni Heino

Sydney Symphony Orchestra's two-year-old professional learning program for teachers, TunED-Up! has created a groundswell of enthusiasm among the NSW public school teachers. Experiences and ideas from TunED-Up! workshops are being discussed and shared on social media, and the network of teachers within the program's reach is increasing steadily. We asked the orchestra's Director of Learning and Engagement Kim Waldock to explain what this program does, how it came about, and what is in store for its future

21 May 2015 New Music Archive for Western Australia by Anni Heino

The new music of Western Australia now has a special dedicated to the WA's new music and related activity from 1970s to the present day. 

19 Jun 2015 A week of action in Canberra: Senate Inquiry & industry delegation by Anni Heino

65 representatives of the arts and cultural sector from all states and territories gathered in Canberra on Thursday 18 June in order to communicate their concerns about the 2015-2016 arts budget to senior politicians from all parties and the independent members. The delegation, that represents about 60,000 artists and 14 million audience members, called for an immediate halt to plans to strip the Australia Council of $105 million over four years to establish a new National Programme for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA), administered by the Ministry for the Arts.

18 Aug 2015 Roger Smalley (1943-2015) by Anni Heino

Composer and pianist Roger Smalley AM has died in Sydney on 18 August 2015 at the age of 72.

20 Nov 2015 Innovation in, excellence out - Australia Council gets a small refund by Anni Heino

The long-awaited news about the canning of ex-Minister Brandis's National Programme for the Excellence in the Arts, NPEA, was released overnight by the Australian Government. The arts community received the news with mixed feelings, as the NPEA will continue its life under a new name and new guidelines, while only $32m ($8m per year over four years) of the $104m diverted from the Australia Council for the Arts by Brandis for the NPEA will be given back to the Council.

30 Mar 2016 AMC at 40: 'We felt an immense sense of what might be possible' by Anni Heino

A young Australian cellist called Nathan Waks was one of the five signatories of the Articles of Association for the future Australia(n) Music Centre in 1974. It took a couple of more years before the AMC was ready to open its doors to the public at the end of February 1976. In this little email interview, Waks - who went on to have a multifaceted career in the arts, before reinventing himself as the owner of a wine company in the 2000s - remembers the early days of the AMC and reflects on how times have changed for the arts in Australia over four decades. 

16 Mar 2016 Liza Lim's Tree of Codes and the ephemerality of life by Anni Heino

Liza Lim's new opera Tree of Codes is about to receive its world premiere in Cologne, Germany on 9 April 2016. In this interview, Lim talks about her libretto, based on several literary sources, her approach to story-telling, and how the close collaboration with trusted musicians - of MusikFabrik, and ELISION - continues to influence her work

30 Mar 2016 Nigel Westlake: Pragmatism and paper planes by Anni Heino

In this Q & A, composer Nigel Westlake reflects on his composing and his recent large-scale works: the 2010 work Missa Solis - Requiem for Eli, the 2013 song cycle Compassion, and the film score Paper Planes. An outgoing AMC Chair and a long-term APRA Board member, Westlake also talks about the rich and fantastic array of our creative music, and the challenges and opportunities faced by artists in today's Australia.

A new work by Westlake, a 10-minute Dream of Flying, commissioned by BBC and reworking elements of the film score Paper Planes, is about to be premiered by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Andrew Davis on 13 April

30 May 2016 Composer & performer news, May 2016 by Anni Heino

News about premieres, performances, awards, and new releases of music by Australian artists. 2016 seems to be a particularly great year for recording and releasing piano music!

Observant readers will have noticed that our news bulletin has been less than frequent recently, due to staff resources and many ongoing projects. For a constant supply of up-to-date music news and links, we recommend 'liking' our Facebook page and following our @AusMusicCentre Twitter feed 

19 Jul 2016 5 Questions to Therese Milanovic from the Muses Trio by Anni Heino

Therese Milanovic talks about the Muses Trio, and their new CD release The Spirit and the Maiden, consisting of works by female composers.

20 Mar 2017 Catalyst money returned to the Australia Council for the Arts by Anni Heino

A surprise announcement on Satuday morning confirmed the Turnbull Government's decision to cancel the Catalyst Australian Arts and Culture Fund, and transfer remaining uncommitted funding back to the Australia Council for the Arts.

12 Sep 2017 Lisa Illean and Cantor by Anni Heino

Lisa Illean's new work Cantor is about to be premiered in Sydney at a Carriageworks concert by Ensemble Offspring (23 September). Funded among the 12 successful composers and projects of the first round of APRA AMCOS Art Music Fund in 2016. Illean's work already has multiple international performances lined up: in the Netherlands, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand. In this interview, Lisa Illean talks about Cantor and the musicians it's written for, other recent works of hers, as well as her keen interest in the human voice

8 Mar 2018 Garth Paine's 'Future Perfect', in development at IRCAM/ZKM by Anni Heino

In 2018, composer, performer and acoustic ecologist Garth Paine is undertaking an artist/researcher residency at IRCAM (Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music) in Paris, and ZKM Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. At IRCAM, Paine is currently developing the interactive and sound spatialisation aspects of a new concert work Future Perfect - an immersive 3D audiovisual performance and installation utilising higher-order ambisonic loudspeaker playback, wave field synthesis and virtual reality on smartphones. 

6 Jun 2018 Diversity in Australia's music by Anni Heino

A new book Diversity in Australia's music - themes past, present and for the future, just released by Cambridge Scholars, celebrates Roger Covell's contribution to Australian music and academic life over several decades. Edited by Dorrottya Fabian and John Napier, the volume includes 15 articles on a wide range of themes and topics...

26 May 2016 5 Questions to Rhonda Berry by Anni Heino

We caught up with the Far North Queensland composer Rhonda Berry, just after her 80th birthday on 23 May. In this little Q & A, she talks about the opportunities she found in a small town, and the people and organisations that helped her develop her talent as a composer.

30 Oct 2018 Sandy Evans and Andrea Keller: sharing the stage by Anni Heino

This November brings together, for the first time as a duo, two of Australia's best-known jazz artists, pianist Andrea Keller and saxophonist Sandy Evans. We asked the two incredibly busy women some questions about this as well as their other current projects and commissions.

25 Jul 2018 Listen to me - a response to gendered violence by Anni Heino

Listen to Me is a collection of songs, words and music made in response to the current debate in Australia about gendered violence, with creative input from a group of leading Australian female writers, artists and musicians. In this short Q & A interview, the project's instigator, composer Andrée Greenwell talks about the background and the realisation of Listen to Me.

8 Aug 2018 Five questions to Connor D'Netto by Anni Heino

Composer and 2018 Art Music Awards finalist Connor D'Netto is about to embark on a tour with his new duo called We Are Breathing, together with American cellist Ben Baker. In this Q & A, Connor gives us a little update about this, as well as his other recent activities. Projects currently on his composing desk include a string quartet, funded through APRA's Art Music Fund. You can catch Connor and Ben on 10 and 14 August in Brisbane, 18 August in Melbourne, and 25 August in Sydney as part of the Extended Play festival.

5 Dec 2018 An action plan towards gender equality in music: Cat Hope by Anni Heino

Composer and academic Cat Hope delivered the 2018 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address in three Australian cities last week, calling for, and drafting some steps towards, an action plan towards gender equality and empowerment in our music industry.

26 Sep 2018 Five questions to Catherine Likhuta by Anni Heino

AMC's Associate artist Catherine Likhuta has a strong connection with the US, which started in 2005 when she first moved from her native Ukraine to the US, prior to moving on to Australia in 2012. She visits the US regularly for performances and residencies - last year, she was preparing for the US premiere of her oratorio-drama Scraps from a Madman’s Diary with a week-long residency at the University of Georgia, and in September 2018 she finds herself at campus of the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

18 Dec 2018 Ecstatic Edwards - perfomers' choice by Anni Heino

To congratulate one of our best loved and most performed composer, Ross Edwards, on the eve of his 75th birthday, we asked Australian musicians to talk about their favourite Edwards work. Their answers are revealing and give us an idea just why this music is so loved by its performers as well as its audience: on one hand there is the infectious joy of a musician becoming one with the music in an energetic, powerful dance - and on the other, there is the unique fulfilment that comes from transcending the technical and musical challenges of an Edwards score - so that, in the words of violist Stephen King, '...the performers disappear and only purity is left'.

28 Jun 2019 A season for Australian opera by Anni Heino

Two brand-new Australian operas, and four existing ones, will receive performances Sydney and Adelaide over the next few months.

26 Apr 2019 Jennifer Fowler: Writing, revising and finally satisfied by Anni Heino

Composer Jennifer Fowler, based in London for most of her adult life, has undertaken a remarkable journey that started 80 years ago in Bunbury, Western Australia. A daughter of a musical mother made her way to the University of Western Australia, where, through luck as well as effort and talent, doors began to open for a long career in music.

20 May 2019 Ngarra-Burria: Platform Paper by Chris Sainsbury by Anni Heino

The launch, earlier this month, of Dr Chris Sainsbury's Platform Paper NGARRA-BURRIA: New music and the search for an Australian Sound (Currency House, May 2019) was a significant event in many ways, and for the AMC also important because of the role our organisation has played in the early stages of the Ngarra-Burria: First Peoples Composers program, the pilot stage of which took place under the umbrella of our AMPlify artist development framework.

18 Jun 2019 ISCM World Music Days in Estonia, May 2019 by Anni Heino

The 2019 ISCM World New Music Days took place, last month, in the cities of Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia. AMC's Anni Heino attended the festival and the International Society for Contemporary Music General Assembly as the Australian delegate and reports here about her experience. During the last day of the general assembly, and significantly for our region, the ISCM Executive Committee member Glenda Keam was elected unanimously as the ISCM's next President...

27 Sep 2019 Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019) - composer, activist, pioneer by Anni Heino

The composer, activist and important pioneer of Australian electronic music, Martin Wesley-Smith (1945-2019), has died on the evening of 26 September, peacefully at his home in Kangaroo Valley NSW, after a long illness.

4 Dec 2020 Nadje Noordhuis: an unplanned career by Anni Heino

New York-based trumpeter, composer and educator Nadje Noordhuis talks about her music and her career, as well as her music education from primary school to University. This interview forms part of a new digital education resource aimed at high-school age students.

8 Mar 2021 Jenna Cave and the Divergence Jazz Orchestra by Anni Heino

Jenna Cave is an Australian composer and arranger, bandleader, conductor and saxophonist. She composes music for large and small jazz ensembles with varying degrees of improvisation, as well as fully notated chamber music, cross-over works and songs. We asked her about these different facets of her career and her main project, the Divergence Jazz Orchestra.

18 Mar 2021 Nat Bartsch: Between genres is where I feel most comfortable by Anni Heino

Nat Bartsch is an award-winning Australian pianist and composer who creates work that explores the space between classical and jazz genres. She has released seven recordings of original music, and toured domestically and internationally. She is releasing her next album, Hope, on 7 May. She was recently awarded the Merlyn Myer Commission at the Melbourne Recital Centre, and is currently touring as the pianist for Playschool!

29 Nov 2017 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address by Kim Williams: a call for urgent action by Anni Heino

In his Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address, delivered in four Australian cities in November, Kim Williams talked about the pessimistic outlook on support for creators of music, and called for urgent attention to the whole policy process, immediate action to renew audience relationships, and the for the individual artists to embrace the opportunities of 'the digital vortex' through energetic self-promotion. The transcript of the entire address is available online on the Daily Review.

20 Jul 2020 Return to Sender by Anni Heino

How does a composer go about setting to music private letters, let alone intimate letters of sympathy and encouragement that, notoriously, never reached their intended recipients? Katy Abbott's new work Hidden thoughts II - Return to Sender takes its texts from the messages that Australians sent to asylum seekers in detention in the early 2000s and were later returned to Australia, undelivered. 

16 Sep 2021 Margaret Brandman at 70: five decades of music as business and passion by Anni Heino

Composer, pianist and educator Margaret Brandman celebrates her 70th birthday this month. In this Q&A interview she talks about her many roles in music, her formative musical experiences and mentors, as well as about some of her major works.

8 Nov 2021 2021 Peggy Glanville-Hicks panel: towards a sustainable future for artists by Anni Heino

The annual Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address was presented on Thursday 4 November as a live-stream panel discussion with pianist-composer Zela Margossian, composer-percussionist Bree van Reyk, and singer, composer and improviser Sia Ahmad. Moderated by ABC Classic's Vanessa Hughes, the event took place at an important moment for musicians, with the challenging and stagnant pandemic existence slowly making way for a more open, yet largely uncertain reality. The reflections of the three panellists provide a stocktake of what the pandemic has meant for artists, and how they want to shape their creative futures.

28 Oct 2021 Luke Paulding (1987-2021) by Anni Heino

At the end of October 2021, the Australian new music community was shaken by news about the death of one if its original, emerging voices. Luke Paulding would have turned 34 on Christmas day this year.

Resonate Journals edited by Anni Heino

Works commissioned and written for Anni Heino

The very end of harvest by Andrew Ford